Real estate law
Do you wish to acquire an apartment or a house, increase the amount of your mortgage, settle a right-of-way across neighbouring land, divide your plot or even establish a condominium to be able to sell one of the apartments, Notaires Associés are there to advise you and draw up the necessary deeds.
Through their knowledge of legislation, their privileged contacts with the various departments of the Administration, as well as their fiscal knowledge in real estate matters, Notaires Associés allow the contracting parties:
- to be made perfectly aware of the significance of their commitments,
- to be certain that the financial provisions of all transactions shall be settled with precision and diligence,
- to carry out an important transaction in complete security.
The Notaires Associés are particularly qualified in:
- all transfer of property or property rights such as the direct sale, forward sale, conditional sale, donation or exchange,
- all acts relating to bank loans necessitating the delivery of a mortgage guarantee called “mortgage notes”,
- all documents concerning neighbour reports, such as for example, the constitution or modification of rights-of-way, of land charges, of references or annotations,
- the constitution of a right of usufruct or right of residence,
- the constitution of surface rights (DDP),
- all acts relating to the constitution of a condominium ownership or a co-ownership or their modification,
- the division or merging of buildings,
- and, in a general way, all questions which concern the legal aspect of real estate ownership.
Consult the obligatory fees